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Wobbel is a product of Wobbel B.V.
Wobbel is registered as a brand and logo with the BOIP/BIOP
Wobbel B.V. it has full trademark rights.
The name Wobbel, the logo and the icon are protected trademarks.
Wobbel Candy is a brand of Wobbel B.V.
Wobbel Candy is registered as a brand and logo with the BOIP/BIOP
Wobbel B.V. it owns the full trademark and design rights.
The name Wobbel Candy, the logo and the icon are protected trademarks.
The model of the Wobbel is registered under model law at WIPO The Hague with registration number
DM/094 891. The Wobbel model and the undercoat with felt and cork are protected.
It is therefore not permitted to imitate, copy or use any product with the Wobbel or Wobbel Candy brand as a trade name. We will enforce our rights to this.
The information on our website and facebook are as complete as possible at the time of placing . However, this information can be present to change. This can Wobbel BV adapt without notice .
Wobbel BV can change the content of the website without informing visitors. Changes to the website are conclusive.
Delivery times mentioned on the website are a realistic indictaion based on agreements with our suppliers. It could occur that for some reason these dates can not be met. Wobbel BV will do everything in its power to meat these dates, but can't be held responsible for any concequences that might occur from chaging dates.
Wobbel BV is free to makes changes in the offered assortment.